Making use of the Software Calculator.
mynetworth® empowers the user to calculate and keep track of a personal financial position using nominated life events and estimated values. The results give a broad overview for illustrative and educational purpose. It is not personal advice.

You can perform Marginal Analysis on your wealth position and gauge the "value add" you have contributed to your wealth accumulation after adjusting for inflation. In addition the software may assist in general "goal-setting" by performing "what if" scenarios in order envisage your path ahead! 

Click the YouTube button below to view helpful presentations. 

Use mynetworth as a "WEALTH TRACKER".

* Net worth (past through to current year), by selecting nominated life events and year.
(eg. Married - 1995, Bought 1st Home -2000, Bought Investment Property -2005, Current Position -2025 )
or "Look Ahead" and prepare Forecast Positions (eg. Current -2025, What if buy investment property? - 2026, What if downsize home? - 2027 etc.)
or "Adapt the calculator" to meet your own needs.

* "What if ?" Buy/Sell strategies to indicate "Forecast Positions" and estimate "Funding Positions".
(eg. Sell Home & Buy New Home. Is a loan needed or is a cash surplus available?) - ideal in performing Marginal Analysis!

* "Key Performance Indicators" to measure financial health and wealth performance. 
(eg. Debt to Asset Levels)


"mynetworth" adds value by calculating your "networth index"!
This index provides a measure of the movement in your net worth or wealth compared to the base year life event chosen.

As an added feature, an inflation adjusted index is also calculated, allowing for the effects of inflation!

This indicates the "real movement" in net worth adjusted for inflation over the life events and years selected and the "value add" you have contributed towards your wealth improvement !

Important Information for users of "mynetworth".
"mynetworth" software is a model and not a predictor of outcomes.
The software tool can be used as a guide for illustrative purpose only, to perform estimates of financial outcomes and results with no guarantee of such outcomes and results being achieved.
Outcomes and results cannot be predicted due to movements caused by external factors out of your control, such as inflation and normal market movements.

The information & outcomes are general information, not intended to be your sole source of information when making a financial decision and is not financial or tax advice.
The website and calculator does not take into account your particular financial needs, circumstances and objectives. Users should always seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

"mynetworth" does not guarantee the accuracy of any information on this website, including information provided by third parties.
Information can change without notice and "mynetworth" will endeavour to update the website as soon as practicable with changes.

"mynetworth" will not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising in connection with the contents of this website or any related information.
No information related to this website may be reproduced without the written consent of "mynetworth" and we acknowledge the Intellectual Property rights of "The Wealth and Lifestyle Hub" participants and Referral Partners.
"mynetworth" seeks to provide its users via "The Wealth and Lifestyle Hub" with access to general information, research and professional services freely available on websites, and "mynetworth" does not necessarily endorse the services of the "The Wealth and Lifestyle Hub" participants, nor do the participants necessarily endorse "mynetworth".